by Bill Byrne | Jan 7, 2017 | Uncategorized
The start of a new year is always a good time to review what we find to be important and what we may wish to change in our lives. My first perceived priority?….live in the moment, in the “infinite now”. I probably use 99% of my thoughts on the future and the past, where we never are. I want to make an awareness of the “now” moments 98%, then 97%….and who knows, maybe 95% eventually! After all, in the present is the only place God resides.
by Bill Byrne | Jan 6, 2017 | Uncategorized
Schools out, and the cows will get a few bales of hay unrolled on the ground. All of the new calves will be jumping and playing around, trying to figure out what this stuff is. Snow and winter bring both a beauty and a challenge….just like life!
by Bill Byrne | Jan 5, 2017 | Uncategorized
Balance in life is what gives us the ability to live, and thereby give, the Fruits of the Spirit of joy, peace, and harmony. It’s so very easy in life to get too focused on one part of our lives, at the expense of the others. We are spiritual first, then mental, and then finally physical. Personally, I have to continually remind myself of that. We think that the physical life and lifestyle can change our mental and physical, when the very opposite is true.