Happiness is….

We tend to get easily side tracked and forget that the search for meaning is so much more important than the search for happiness. Happiness is a result of a meaningful life.

Finally….a little hint of Springtime….

the weather is warm at last [relativily]….we went up one of the little creeks [in sweatshirts] that was north facing and enjoyed the beauty of 6 and 8 foot icicles on the bluffs, and the creek running thru the remaining 3 or 4 inches of snow….easier to appreciate the beauty when its warmer and spring is in the air….

Ozarks weather and life on the farm….

Today is rain transitioning to freezing rain, then 4-6 inches of snow, then down to 10 degrees….and of course a new calf just born an hour ago. We have only had 2 days of school in three weeks….all are going stir crazy……but as they say….”oh, well….”

Ahhhh….hope springs eternal….the weather people say up to 60 degrees next week…..what is wrong with us that we keep believing someone when they are not even right half the time?

I made another trip out in the falling snow late yesterday afternoon to put out more hay and hopefully give the new calf a dry place to try and make it thru the night. But my plan backfired, as the mama cow left the new calf half covered in snow and went to eat instead all by herself!