More learning from “early geese”

As the geese are flying North in an early journey, there’s a siren type note to their constant sounds as they travel by, as if to say ‘join us’. Geese fly in a ‘v’ formation, to break the wind for the whole group. The ones in the front of this ‘v’ have the hardest job, so there is a constant rotation throughout the group from the front positions to the back. Most all of nature exhibits this awareness and nurturing of the ‘whole’ group, with the individual being secondary. Almost all spiritual teaching of all faiths emphasize this same thought, that we are part of the whole (God), and as we care for our neighbors we will all grow together. A nice thought.

A day in the life…of Mama Cow

Our cows like to spend their time looking for ways to get out of the pasture they are in, always thinking there might be some green grass on the other side. This morning we put a cow back in, but she kept looking back across from where she came, and didn’t go to eat with the other cows. Different enough behavior to make us think something wasn’t right in cattle ranching land. Some cows want to be off by themselves to give birth, and go thru fences at that time also…so we went hunting for the calf. The mama cow, in the meantime, kept trying to lead us off elsewhere, as many animals will do in an attempt to protect their young. She would look everywhere with her eyes except where she left the calf. Ahh, but we people are smarter than cows [most of the time], and managed to find the calf and link her and mama cow back up. Just another day in the life!

And the geese head North…a little early?

Here it is at only the end of January, and we are watching flocks of geese, with their plantive calls, heading North. We do hope they are right, and winter is almost over…or could it be like the groundhog and his shadow…just predicting what we would really like to hear? I want to hear about an early Spring!