by Bill Byrne | May 3, 2019 | Uncategorized
My favorite place to stay on the ranch has always been the Lakeside Log Cabin. Built of logs that were hand hewn by settlers here in the Ozark area of Eminence, it was fun to reconstruct it from its old Courthouse lawn location to our lake back in 2008. Shown here is the cabin as it was before we dismantled and moved it.
by Bill Byrne | Mar 11, 2019 | Uncategorized
If you have a sincere desire to experience and learn about life on a working ranch, you may wish to consider an intern position at Crystal Creek Ranch. Pleas check out our website info here Thanks!
by Bill Byrne | Mar 4, 2019 | Uncategorized
AAAhhhh….frozen pipes this morning from 6 degree cold and the failure of both my heat lamps in the well house. Folks that have city water probably don’t appreciate the fact that they don’t have to maintain a complete water system from well to house! But the water sure tastes good….as long as I fix the water heater element every 6 months because of the lime [and we don’t like the soft water systems]. Gotta love country living!