by wyattcreative | Dec 26, 2013 | Uncategorized
Visualization to bring it into the physical.
God is creation, and as we are His children-creation is our birthright. But creation can only exist in harmony with His flow of energy. Pray for, meditate, discern His flow-then create!
All of His flow is “others”. May we create, not for self, not at the expense [taking away from] of others, but creating for other people, creating something that gives to other people God’s flow of energy.
As all great spiritual leaders state, there is no lack of abundance for all if we live in harmony with God. Do not worry about the physical….look at the birds of the air. Quit growing negativity by giving it any energy. Give and use and grow positive energy in all you do. Use our God given imagination, visualize life as we would love it to be, not as we might fear it to be. Be harmonious and peaceful by visualizing those forces, by giving that energy to others. Its quite simple, we just make it hard.
by wyattcreative | Dec 26, 2013 | Uncategorized
Our four year old grandson and his mother still live with us at home, and as many such families these days, the parents are divorced and the child goes back and forth between parents. His question for his mother was “why do I have to go back today?”, which he repeated over and over to his mom, who did not have a suitable answer for him. I of course felt sad, thinking to myself that its a shame that a child has to feel such feelings, and as he gets older he’ll at least have some control and not have to ask that question….but…..I’m older and I ask the same question daily. Why do things, why does life, have to be different from the way I want it to be? Of course the answer doesn’t have to do with age, or money, or power, or wisdom. The answer is acceptance, God’s will,…. faith. It’s a simple realization that “I can’t have what I want until I want what I have.”
by wyattcreative | Dec 26, 2013 | Uncategorized
Thoughts on the “thoughts” page
No ideas are new. They all exist. But they are rediscovered by us, and as such can give us direction, and help for where we are at, right now, in our development toward the energy, the yearning inside of us that is God. None of these thoughts or ideas are “mine”, they have come from many different people and sources in my studies and readings. (see a partial listing at the end of these entries) They are a part of searching for and finding, of thinking about and meditating on, of combining and trying to apply in the physical life… and applying our ideal daily in the physical is why we are here. Christ made this abundantly clear as his whole life was an example of living his beliefs, of planting seeds of the fruits of the Spirit.
As for myself, I’m very “long” on the knowledge part of God, and very “short” on the doing part of God. I’m working on “Lord, I believe – help my unbelief”, on moving from knowledge, thru faith, to wisdom. To those of you who may feel the same way, may you receive a good thought from these pages that might help you move closer to the peace and harmony that is God’s gift for us. (and may all you “right brain” people forgive all the “left brain” needs for logic and “making sense” contained here in)
Lastly, may we all remember in our hearts that we each hear, see, and search for God in our own way. All paths are ultimately the same path, but many are the branches, the paths, that lead to the “one” path, the one Creative Force that is God.