Every winter I have the best of intentions and a long list of jobs around the ranch and the houses. However, I seem to cycle like the seasons, and have trouble getting motivated until the springtime arrives. At that time all the hustle and growth of the season inspires me also to start on the new projects for the ranch, to finish some of the old ones, and to do the maintenance necessary to keep everything running and in good shape. Of course the winter didn’t find me totally in hibernation, as all the animals still needed care and feeding, a much larger and time consuming job in cold weather. Through out all the physical demands of the ranch, we work hard at remembering that the ranch is people, not its physical buildings or projects. While wanting to put a “picture frame” around the beauty of Gods nature, we also want to be in the picture ourselves, be it nothing more than giving a smile or a chance to let kids feed the animals, or any other small interaction with the visitors who find themselves at the ranch.